How to travel between Junon and the Grasslands - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Unlocking fast travel between two zones.


Once you go through the mines and stumble into the second region Junon, you might be wondering how to get back to the Grasslands. While you’re not permanently blocked off from returning, you’ll need to do a few things first.

How to travel between Junon and the Grasslands

First, you’ll need to get the next Chocobo from the ranch found on the western side of Junon. Once you’ve unlocked the Chocobo, you’ll gain access to new areas of Junon. The talons of Junon Chocobos allow you to climb certain walls and reach new heights. 

The map location of the Chocobo ranch in Junon

At the ranch pick up the side quest from the NPC Gabe that asks you to help repair the broken Chocobo carriage. The side quest is called “Stuck in a Rut”. Here You’ll need to talk to Wainwright up on the cliffside to the north. Go there, and complete the tasks he asks you to do. After completing a small side quest, you’ll be given the materials required to fix the carriage.

Bring them back to the ranch and turn them in. This will open up fast travel between Junon and the Grasslands, so now you can go back and finish up any other tasks you may have left behind there.

an image of the pop up message explaining you can now travel between the Grasslands and Junon

Later in the game, you will unlock other means of fast travel around the world, so if you don’t pick this one up yet, it will be a while before you’ll be able to come back and get it unlocked. So your choices are to either do it now or wait a long time before being able to return to the Grasslands. We recommend grabbing it as soon as you enter Junon.

For more tips, tricks, and guides for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth be sure to check out the games hub page, which is filled with everything you’ll ever need on the game.

Contributing Editor

Jesse is a freelance games journalist who can't get enough of FFXIV and other RPGs. He has collaborated with Game Informer, Giantbomb, Prima Games, and more. He loves playing games together with friends and family and can be found doing mundane tasks like fishing or cooking in games. You can follow him on X (Twitter) @Jessevitelli.

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