Cold Front god roll - Destiny 2
This Cold Front god roll will melt your enemies away.
The Dawning has returned for another year of winter festivities. This year the popular weapon, Cold Front, has been given a new lease on life to make it a great stocking filler to grab during this event. Cold Front is a Kinetic, Aggressive Frame, 720 RPM, Submachine Gun, and is unrecognisable from its previous rolls. These god rolls make Cold Front into a melt machine in PvE and PvP.
How to get Cold Front
Cold Front is guaranteed from The Dawning event card by finishing the challenge Yarnmaker. Opening “A gift in return” boxes have a chance to get a Cold Front from the Dawning weapon pool. You can also open the Festive Engrams for extra chances to get more Cold Front rolls.
Once unlocked, Cold Front can be farmed for more rolls by exchanging 25 Dawning Spirit and one “A gift in return” box with Eva Levante, the event Vendor.
PvE - Cold Front god roll
Cold Front really owns its role as an add-clearing machine and this god roll is perfect for taking into Gambit or mid-tier content.
Cold Front god roll - PVE | |
Barrel | Corkscrew Rifling (Stability +5, Range +5, Handling +5) |
Magazine | Appended Mag (Magazine +2) |
Perk 1 | Rewind Rounds (Upon emptying the magazine: refills 60 percent of the number of hits landed into the magazine from reserves. Always rounds up) |
Perk 2 | Rampage (Provides a stacking damage buff on weapon kills: 10 percent | 21 percent | 33.1 percent increased damage at 1|2|3 stacks for 4.5 seconds. Weapon kills refresh the buff's duration. Buff persists while stowed) |
Origin Trait | Dawning Surprise (Multiple weapon kills spawn a Dawning Gift that remains on the ground for 10 seconds. Picking up Dawning Gifts grants 10 percent grenade, melee, and Class ability energy, restores 20 HP, and starts health regeneration. Activation progress on kills by enemy rank: Minors and Guardians: 16.66 percent. Majors and Bosses: 50 percent) |
Masterwork | Range or Handling (+10 when fully masterworked) |
Mod | Minor or Major Spec (7.7 percent damage increase) |
Pick this up with Corkscrew Rifling, giving a flat buff to three essential stats in Stability, Range, and Handling. Appended Mag then adds extra bullets to the Magazine which also gives increased benefits to the next perk, Rewind Rounds.
Source: D2Foundry
Adding this combination ensures more shots but then Rewind Rounds will automatically refill a percentage of Cold Front’s magazine after a succession of hits. Stick Rampage in the final perk slot for increasing Cold Front’s damage up to 33 percent after 3 kills. This all works in tandem to create a Submachine Gun that can shred through enemies with ease while reloading itself and rolling with a strong damage buff.
PvP - Cold Front god roll
Submachine Guns have been a scourge in the Crucible for some time now and while Cold Front’s archetype isn’t the meta pick, this god roll can really push Cold Front to challenge the top seats in PvP.
Cold Front god roll - PVP | |
Barrel | Fluted Barrel (Stability +5, Handling +15) |
Magazine | Accurized Rounds (Range +10) |
Perk 1 | Tap the Trigger (Immediately upon firing, for 0.6 seconds: Stability +40, Recoil -50 percent, and Accuracy Cone Size -10 percent. [Controller-Only] Weapon fires the instant trigger pressure is applied) |
Perk 2 | Rangefinder (While Aiming Down Sights (ADS): 10 percent increased effective zoom and five percent faster projectile speed. The effective zoom increase pushes out Aim Assist fall off by 10 percent and narrows the accuracy and Aim Assist cones) |
Origin Trait | Hakke Breach Armaments (Passively grants increased damage against Vehicles 15 percent. Turrets, Barricades, Ward of Dawn, Well of Radiance: 30 percent. Stasis Crystals: 45 percent) |
Masterwork | Range or Handling (+10 when fully masterworked) |
Mod | Targeting Adjuster (Aim Assist +5) |
Looking to take advantage of its fast firing nature, start with Fluted Barrel for the large boost to Handling. This gives Cold Front a light and snappy feeling when pulling it out in tight situations. Then add Accurized Rounds for added Range, making this fast firing Submachine feel sticky to targets when in battle at longer distance.
Source: D2Foundry
Tap the Trigger adds a large boost to Stability and gives accuracy bonuses, making this a top tier perk for this type of Submachine Gun. This makes Cold Front much easier to keep on target while spraying at your opponent. Round the god roll off with Rangefinder. This perk adds accuracy and Aim Assist, giving your opponents no chance of escape when Cold Front gets locked onto them within the right range.
Cold Front will surprise many with how effective it can be in the current sandbox. It’s certainly one to keep an eye on between the snowball fights. For more Season of the Wish information and weapon guide content, be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.
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