How to export water - Cities: Skylines 2

Exporting water is easier than you think and can lead to some increased revenues in your city.


Building things in Cities: Skylines 2 is fun, but unfortunately drains your city’s bank account rather quickly. One way to offset the cash you’re spending is by exporting excess resources, such as water. If you’d like to start earning money on the extra water your city is producing, I’ve got the hook up for you. That’s quite literally the answer too.

How to export water

An image showing how to export water in Cities: Skylines 2

To export water in Cities: Skylines 2, players will need to build Water Pipes that connect to their network, then extend to the outer perimeter tiles on their map. This means purchasing tiles that extend your city to the far edge of the map, then building a water pipe that touches the edge. This can be more difficult depending on your starting map. Once this happens, a connection will pop up on the edge of the map. If you hover over that connection with your cursor, you’ll see a text pop-up reading Outside Connection - Water.

An image showing a water connection to export water in Cities: Skylines 2

Once this connection is made, make sure your game isn’t paused and let time pass for a bit. A couple of minutes should be fine, then open your Economy menu via the cash-looking icon at the bottom of the screen. Under the Budget tab you’ll see Revenues. If you click on Service Trade, you can see the amount of money you’re making from exports in the bottom right corner. After exporting water, I began making $15,219 per month from water exports. This isn’t a lot in the grand scheme of things, but it can help keep you in the black in the early hours of your playthrough.

Now that you know how to export water you can start making a bit of extra cash for your city, this is key in getting your city to a cash flow positive state in Cities: Skylines 2.

Managing Editor

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

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    October 26, 2023 11:40 AM

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      January 22, 2024 10:07 AM

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