Try these Legion decks - Marvel Snap

The Marvel Snap decks put Legion's game-changing ability to use.

Second Dinner

Legion is one of several cards that joined the Marvel Snap roster in July 2023. The reality-warping mutant’s ability allows him to turn every other location into the same one that you play him at. It’s a tricky ability that could accidentally be your downfall if not played carefully, so let’s look at some Marvel Snap decks that look to leverage Legion.

Marvel Snap Legion decks

Legion is a 5-Cost, 8-Power card with an ability that creates countless new synergies and combos. You’ll typically be playing him towards the end of the game, but cards like Wave and Psylocke can get him on the board a turn earlier. Legion’s ability to mitigate location variance can help you turn the tides on your opponents in unexpected ways.

Legion Lockout

Deck list: Sunspot, Nebula, Armor, Jeff, Storm, Cyclops, High Evolutionary, Iron Lad, Professor X, Spider-Man, Legion, Doctor Doom

Source: Untapped

This deck pairs Legion with Storm, creating a powerful combo that turns all three locations into Flooded, preventing both you and your opponent from playing any cards for the remainder of the game. Luckily, Jeff is here to let you cheat some more power onto the board if need be. The deck also features other lockout staples in Spider-Man and Professor X, with Iron Lad there to potentially get one of those powerful On-Reveals into effect a turn early. According to third-party tracker Untapped, it’s the most popular Legion deck in the game.

Generic Legion

Deck list: Korg, Luke Cage, Spider-Ham, Zabu, Jeff, Lizard, Killmonger, Darkhawk, Shang-Chi, Enchantress, Rock Slide, Legion

This deck is a more straightforward approach, slotting Legion in with a bunch of generically good Marvel Snap cards, allowing the mutant to serve as more of a tech card. While there's no Flooded to duplicate and choke your opponent, you can use Legion to easily eliminate or multiply locations to your benefit. Despite previous nerfs to cards like Spider-Ham, Enchantress, and Lizard, they’re still solid cards that can help you get the job done. This one comes by way of Jeff Hoogland, a popular Marvel Snap content creator.

Legion Storm

Deck list: Sunspot, Nebula, Iceman, Daredevil, Jeff, Lizard, Magik, Storm, Juggernaut, Professor X, Legion, Doctor Doom

Similar to the first deck, this deck wants to make things as tough as possible on your opponent. It fully buys into the Legion/Storm combo, dropping Spider-Man and Iron Lad for cards like Juggernaut and Magik, which can boot players out of Storm lanes and provide more control over the locations, respectively. With Limbo on the board, you could even use Legion to pull the rug from under your opponent and end the game early on turn 6.

Those are a few Legion decks we recommend checking out in Marvel Snap. It’s likely that we haven’t scratched the surface of what this card can do, so we look forward to seeing how it evolves over time.

News Editor

Donovan is a young journalist from Maryland, who likes to game. His oldest gaming memory is playing Pajama Sam on his mom's desktop during weekends. Pokémon Emerald, Halo 2, and the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 were some of the most influential titles in awakening his love for video games. After interning for Shacknews throughout college, Donovan graduated from Bowie State University in 2020 with a major in broadcast journalism and joined the team full-time. He is a huge Scream nerd and film fanatic that will talk with you about movies and games all day. You can follow him on twitter @Donimals_

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