Swarm of the Raven god roll - Destiny 2
A welcome return for the once mighty Swarm of the Raven.
Season of the Deep’s Iron Banner offering brings with it a reprised version of Swarm of the Raven.
Once the DPS king of Destiny, this Void Rapid-Fire Frame Grenade Launcher may not pack the punch it once had but it certainly comes with some rolls worth testing your metal for in the Iron Banner playlist.
How to get Swarm of the Raven

Swarm of the Raven can be first obtained by levelling up your Iron Banner rank by playing Iron Banner matches. You gain increased rank points by wearing Iron Banner armor and an emblem. You must then go to Lord Saladin to collect when you hit the right level. If you’d like to maximize your Iron Banner reputation gains, try our Iron Banner guide.
Once obtained, you can directly focus your Iron Banner engrams with Lord Saladin for Swarm of the Raven rolls and the potential for it to be a post Iron Banner match drop.
PvE - Swarm of the Raven god roll
Source: D2 Foundry
Swarm of the Raven god roll - PvE | |
Barrel | Quick Launch (Velocity +10, Handling +15) |
Magazine | Spike Grenades (Increased grenade impact damage by 50 percent, Stability +10) |
Perk 1 | Auto-Loading Holster (Refills from reserves after 2.5 seconds of stowing it) |
Perk 2 | Envious Assassin (20 percent increase in magazine capacity per kill with other weapons. Kills must be within 10 seconds of readying Swarm of the Raven) |
Origin Trait | Skulking Wolf (While at low health, Guardian final blows grant enhanced radar and remove you from opponents radar for 10 seconds) |
Masterwork | Velocity +10 |
Mod | Major or Boss Spec (7.7 percent damage increase) |
While it may not produce the high DPS numbers of past seasons, Swarm of the Raven returns with desirable perks to produce a strong setup.
Auto-Loading Holster is a top pick for auto filling the Magazine when stowing the weapon, removing any reload time when switching through your gear. We finish off with Envious Assassin which fills Swarm of the Raven’s Magazine from kills with other weapons, allowing it to unleash near double the amount of shots than usual.
When using a Void build, Destabilizing Rounds is a fun perk to run in the final slot, bringing the boom and enhancing Void perks in your Guardian toolkit.
PvP - Swarm of the Raven god roll
Source: D2 Foundry
Swarm of the Raven god roll - PvP | |
Barrel | Quick Launch (Velocity +10, Handling +15) |
Magazine | Proximity Grenades (Grenades explode when in proximity of target, Blast Radius -20) |
Perk 1 | Impulse Amplifier (Velocity increase by 35 percent, Reload +10) |
Perk 2 | Full Court (Reaches the maximum 25 percent explosive damage Increase after 1.1 seconds) |
Origin Trait | Skulking Wolf (While at low health, Guardian final blows grant enhanced radar and remove you from opponents radar for 10 seconds) |
Masterwork | Velocity +10 |
Mod | Quick Access Sling (Decreased ready and stow speed by 10 percent) |
With solid base stats Swarm of the Raven does have PvP utility but can be outclassed due to its perk set. There is potential to build one to hold its own with the right perks.
Quick Launch’s bonus to Velocity paired with Proximity Grenades is the perfect combo to get your shots from point A to B quickly, with Proximity Grenades making it even harder for your opponents to dodge your barrage.
Impulse Amplifier then takes account of the full Velocity stat, making the speed of projectiles deadly when loaded up in the Crucible. Full Court provides bonus damage when firing from a distance, making this roll lethal in both close and long-range engagements.
Swarm of the Raven may not be the DPS king but it still earns its place at the table in its return. For more Season of the Deep information and weapon guide content, be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.
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