Guardians will be able to shoot Orbs of Power in Season 21 of Destiny 2

The Shoot to Loot perk is getting an adjustment that should please Destiny 2 players.


Starting in Season 21: Season of the Deep, Destiny 2 players will be able to shoot Orbs of Power when the Shoot to Loot perk is equipped on their weapon. This change was announced by Bungie in a post where the studio reflected on Lightfall, and should be of great benefit to Guardians taking on solo and end-game content.

Currently, the Shoot to Loot perk allows players to shoot a brick of ammo in the distance to pick it up, which would simultaneously reload all equipped weapons from reserves. This is something I used frequently in solo and end-game content such as Grandmaster Nightfalls or Legend and Master Lost Sectors.

The Shot to Loot weapon perk shown off in Destiny 2
Starting in Season 21, Shoot to Loot will work with Orbs of Power, giving players new ways to activate Armor Charges in Destiny 2.

Starting in Season 21: Season of the Deep, the Shoot to Loot perk will be adjusted to include Orbs of Power. Guardians will be able to shoot an orb to pick it up, which will activate their Armor Charge mods and refill a portion of their Super Ability. Again, this is going to be big in end-game content where cover is essential to survival and players are unable to run around the battlefield to collect orbs and bricks of ammo.

The change to Shoot to Loot may seem small, and in some ways it is, but it also increases the value of a very cool perk, and gives players another avenue to completing difficult content. While I’m not looking for difficult content to become easier necessarily, I’m always open to giving players new ways to solve the problems that end-game Destiny 2 content presents. The change coming to the Shoot to Loot perk is nifty if nothing else.

You can read the full Lightfall reflection from Bungie, which talks about Guardian Ranks, Commendations, and much more. You can also work your way through Lightfall by checking out our Destiny 2 strategy guide.

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Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

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