Evening Reading - January 31, 2023

Published , by TJ Denzer

Welcome, Shackers. It’s the end of the month! One down, 11 to go, and we’re off to quite a start aren’t we? Dead Space remake was good, Hi-Fi Rush was a shockingly good surprise, and plenty of other cool things happened throughout the month as well. That said, before we let you escape to February, we still have one more Evening Reading for you to close out this fine day of posting. Check it out, won’t you?

In case you missed it at Shacknews…

And now… More stuff from the Internet!

Manon’s Music from Street Fighter 6

This might be my favorite of the tracks we’ve heard so far. It reminds me of a Mega Man X stage with a cyber theme and the bass cranked to profound levels. Tasty!

The LOL Verifier

Finally, a device to keep y’all honest. You know you aren’t busting out a laugh every time you type it. This machine will make sure you do.

Poultry apparel

I guess those chickens just wanted to be chic’…ens

Chinchilla treats

It munch. It crunch. It eat dat lunch. Little cutie.

Thrifty Ocho

Chad Johnson kept it cheap. Probably not a bad idea considering how many former stars have burned through their money and ended up with nothing left. Good lesson that just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you have to be dumb.

Say hello to the wall mouse

You’re not just going to mosey by without a howdy, are you?

Words of wisdom… zombie wisdom

Has this ever happened to you?? Then you may have caught some very serious undeath. Avoid cure spells. That won’t do you any good anymore.

And there you have it. That’s your Evening Reading to cap off this fine January. We’ll see y’all in February with plenty of games, coverage, and fun. Stay tuned. That said, if you’d like to support Shacknews, don’t forget you can do so for as little as a dollar a month through Mercury. Don’t have a dollar? Don’t need one to enjoy Shackpets. It’s the free app from Shacknews on iOS and Android where you can upload pictures of your pets and pit them against other pet pics in the ultimate battle of cuteness. You can find cuties like my sweet dog, Flaff, over there too.

Flaff doesn't steal my seat often, but she is also usually a sweetie about sharing.

That’s that. Thanks for stopping by, Shackers. We bid adieu to January and hope February finds you well.