Weekend Discussion - October 23, 2021

Published , by Dennis White

It's Saturday, and you know what that means; it's time for a new Weekend Discussion. Let's dive right in, shall we? 

Bloodborne PC Port and Bluepoint Rumors - Too late to turn back now

A revamped Bloodborne could mean 60 FPS so some boss fights are more intuitive

I think it's fairly safe to call myself one of the biggest Bloodborne fans on the planet. The game was life changing for me and I've happily called it my favorite game of all time. Despite how I feel about From Software's masterpiece, I have to admit that the support for the title over the years has been disappointing. It's not anything new for From Software to move on to another project. They tend to not like to return to their previous titles in general but Dark Souls Remastered is a rare exception to that sentiment. Rumors about a Bloodborne PC port are also not new, but the shake up comes from reports that not only is a Bloodborne PC port in the works, similar to God of War 2018 coming to PC next year, but supposedly Bluepoint may be working on a sequel to Bloodborne for PS5 as well.

Yes, I know; this is a lot to swallow and obviously we should take these things with a grain of salt. But Bloodborne released March 24th, 2015 and if any game needed some PC polish it's this one. With PS5's still hard to get a hold of, and reports of Sony focusing on bringing more PlayStation games to PC it makes a lot of sense to bring a fan favorite game to new players. Less console availabiility means lower software sales so pushing PC as the future is smart on Sony's part.

Bluepoint has plenty of experience now after bringing a Demon's Souls remaster to the PS5. Could we see some sort of harmonious relationship where Bluepoint brings their technical finnesse and polish to the world of Bloodborne in a way that stay's true to Miyazaki's vision for that gothic world? It's actually not as crazy an idea as it sounds. I can agree with some criticism from Soulsborne fans when it came to re-imagining the art design and character/creature design in Demon's Souls. There was defnitely more western influence in some of those changes but overall what Bluepoint was able to accomplish is truly impressive, especially while using the same dated A.I. and layout for the original game.

I do think the company has enough respect for the material to put it into a new title. But, regardless if that actually turns up or not, I think putting their touches on a Bloodborne PC and PS5 edition is what people really want. Networking tweaks to make multiplayer more viable and some quality of life improvements would be appreciated but a consistent 60 FPS, new dynamic lighting, and 4K resolution would breathe new life into a game that's already horrifyingly beautiful.

Will there be a Bloodborne sequel that gives us new adventures as a cosmic slug baby? 

What do you think? Do you believe a Bloodborne PC port will actually happen? Do you even want to see a Bloodborne 2? Is Bluepoint the right team for the job? I'd love to hear your thoughts so feel free to start some conversation in the Chatty thread below! Also if you are craving some new Soulsborne content, make sure to check out the newest Elden Ring article I contributed to: 9 Things Elden Ring Needs to Get Right.

The Internet is vast and full of wonders

There's plenty of goodies for you all this week on the World Wide Web. Prepare yourselves and enjoy the ride.

It's horror game season and I have no idea what's going on here but things moving quickly through vents always terrifies me. Shout out to BarefootTasha in this one. 

This is very accurate. The big boss always got some special attention.

Me on Shacknews Twitter everyday. Feels good to have Succession back by the way. 

Who's down for a debate with these guys? I say the better argument is pitching how Halloween Kills isn't terrible. Too Soon?

More horror slasher glam please. 

Minecraft is so wholesome.

Speaking of frogs...

It's hard enough tryin not to pee your pants in a scare house but fighting to not scream while on the air? Good luck. 

My brain gets scambled using the Switch controller pretty regularly. 

This is honestly incredible. 

Love it. 

How much do you think this would cost? 

One of my favorite exchanges from this week. 

She was gettin it at the Doja Cat concert. 

This is quite the experience. Just click the button!

Where can I sign up for this???

Any YOU fans out there? Apparently, the show lead is a big Cardi B fan.

The Cyclops mod combos were fire. Now it's Thanos' turn for a UMVC3 appearance thanks to incredible mod work.

The reply vid gets me everytime.

In case you missed it...

Weekend Vibes

This week has been great for new music and I decided to give some love to the Nigerian R&B goddess Tems who has been killing it lately. If you have been living under a rock and somehow avoided her collaborative Platinum #1 hit 'Essence' with African Megastar Wizkid this summer, she's got a new EP out called 'If Orange Was A Place'  that's definitely worth giving a listen. I'm not gonna' lie. The way she makes eye contact in the video makes me feel some things. 

Loose Ones

Well that was another edition of Weekend Discussion. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me. Next Saturday is my birthday so make it amazing by reading more of this stuff! Have a great night and if you want to support what we do here at Shacknews, feel free to give a Mercury subscription a try. See ya.