Evening Reading - October 1, 2021

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Greetings, Shacknews! It is I, once again, here to help usher in your weekend. I'm also helping you usher in the month of October, which means you only have a few weeks to get your Halloween costumes in order. I hope you're all making plans.

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And, because it's the weekend, go find yourself something to play!

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, the... wait a minute...

Daniel Craig is looking a lot more pale these days.

Ah! That's better!

Super Monkey Ball to brighten your mood

Yeah, I kinda want to play this game now.

Steam Game Fest! Go play something!

There are dozens of games to try out, so go check them out while you can.

Siri, play Limp Bizkit!

Alright, this game is clearly not serious. They have to be going for comedy at this point. It's like the Venom movies. Like, they're pretending to be serious, but we know deep down that this is something dumb that we're supposed to be laughing at.

By the way, this mess has a release date now. Go watch this trailer, watch the ending twist, and tell me this isn't supposed to be comedy.

I can't wait for Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Part 2, where we meet Jeff Sephiroth. His friends call him Jeffiroth. Too bad he has no friends.

(Ok, I shamelessly stole that bit from TJ.)

Your daily dose of otters

Can it wash my car while it's got that hose?

Happy 20 years to Pardon the Interruption

I've been watching Kornheiser and Wilbon argue sports on ESPN for as long as I can remember. I'm stunned that it's been 20 years. It's yet another reminder that I'm an old. But hey, it's great to have these two even older guys around to bust each other's balls.

Also, there's more to come from Pablo Torre on PTI's 20th anniversary, so be sure to check that out, too!

Exactly how he drew it up!

I mean, it's probably a more reliable way to get across the map than using any of Halo's aerial vehicles.


Alright, who threw that blue shell?

Premiering tonight on Disney Channel

I told myself I wouldn't get wrapped up in another kids show, but when you have video game industry friend Ashly Burch and "Master Shake" Dana Snyder joining forces, sure, I'll give this a look!


So on Wednesday's AEW Dynamite, this happened.

And yes, everyone did a double take, saying, "Wait, Arn did WHAT NOW?" So now with that bit of context out of the way...

He is Armed Anderson and all that that implies!

Tonight in video game music

Metroid Dread comes out next week and to celebrate that... well... okay, there aren't a lot of good memories of Metroid Prime: Federation Force. The music was pretty good, though. So let's listen to this cover that OC Remix posted earlier today!

That is your Evening Reading to send you off into this first weekend of October, Shacknews. We kindly ask you to subscribe to Shacknews Mercury to support our site for as little as $1/month. It doesn't just help keep the lights on, but it also ensures that everyone here on the Shacknews staff, including myself, can continue to bring you the best of video games every day.

What are your Friday plans? Join the conversation and let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below.