Evening Reading - February 9, 2021

Published , by Bryan Lefler

A fine evening to you all, Shackizens! It's my first rodeo here at Evening Reading. Most of the time it isn't your first rodeo, yet here I find myself, in the midst of a rodeo when I cannot remember being so at any point prior to this one. The sun has set across America, so we close out our day of posting, as is tradition. I hope my memery is up to snuff. Please take a look.

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

The Onion doesn't need new headlines

America can provide the layered subtext.

Randall Park's flow is killer

Did you enjoy his part in WandaVision?

I'm here live, that's not, I'm not a cat

Your honor, the evidence on tape clearly shows a cat.

The Legend of Zelda 35th anniversary is just a few days away

But we won't see a crossover event nearly this good.

Mario Kart 64 turned 24 years old today

I loved beating the staff ghosts as a kid, my friends didn't want to play me in Mario Kart.

Super Mario 64 gets RTX support

So this is why it's impossible to get a new graphics card.

Sweet dreams are made of these

I love watching this cat groove to classic jams.

Shacknews Reader launches today

Have you checked out the new Shacknews features? We're adding awesome ways to interact with Shacknews and the fun isn't stopping yet!

There is it, my fellow Shackers, your Evening Reading for today. Short and sweet, just like LolaThePom. Please consider our premium subscription service, Shacknews Mercury to support our site. You can do so for as little as a dollar a month, which I've heard is less than a cup of coffee a day.

Here's a photo of my little alley guy rescue, Theodore.

What do you have going on tonight? Let us know in the Shacknews Chatty thread, you know you want to!