Bugsnax is the game that we simply can’t stop talkin’ bout. Combining some truly bonkers creatures with a surprisingly heartfelt story, Bugsnax will likely go down as one of the most memorable games of the year. The story is really anchored by its characters. Oozing with personality, the Grumpuses are the shining stars of Young Horses’ adventure game. It got us thinking, what kind of Grumpus would we be?
Question: Which Grumpus would you be in Bugsnax?
Cromdo - Ozzie Mejia, Grumpus Maximus

I like to think that I'm a grumpy little man with a heart of gold. I can be a bit aloof and off-putting, but deep down, I'm a totally friendly guy. Part of me feels for Cromdo. He's such a jerk, but there's something about him that strikes me as... well... he just looks misunderstood. He's not a bad guy. He just has a tough outer shell, that's all. I can sympathize with that. He's a good Grumpus, deep down, even if he does spend a chunk of the game trying to cheat you.
Snorpy - Donovan Erskine, more bug than snack

Just like Snorpy, I consider myself to be a highly skeptical person. Maybe not to the point of being considered a conspiracy theorist, but I’m also a big proponent of reading between the lines and questioning everything. I can relate to Snorpy’s dedication to wanting to uncover and expose the truth.
Wiggle Wigglebottom - Blake Morse, Banjo-Pop Pioneer

If there’s one Grumpus out there that I feel a connection to it’s gotta be the one and only Wiggle Wigglebottom. For starters, we both like to go around singing songs to everyone all the time whether they want us to or not. And while I don’t play the banjo as proficient as Wiggle, I do own one, but I will admit I’m a better Mandolin player. I also feel like Wiggle may be a better singer than me, but maybe one day we could do an awesome duet together The moment I saw Wiggle in Bugsnax I felt an instant kinship with them as well as a feeling of representation and I can’t wait to play even more Bugsnax and bond with the great Wiggle Wigglebottom.
Buttley Chungosnizzer - Chris Jarrard, Octodad was better...

Bugsnax is pretty solid all around, but there simply aren’t enough Grumpii wandering around and none of those that did make the cut were able to draw me in emotionally. Therefore, I declare myself to be a grumpus of my own creation, Buttley Chungosnizzer. Buttley stands out from the crowd thanks to a haircut that resembles what Patrick Swazye had in Roadhouse and velvety, cream-colored fur.
Buttley worked as a insultant for a big city firm prior to being Shanghaied on Snaktooth Island following a maritime disaster that killed all the crew and prostitutes on his private yacht. Buttley reliably votes conservative and really enjoyed the last few Clint Eastwood movies, except the one about the Olympic bomber. He also has strong opinions on capital gains tax.
Chandlo - Sam Chandler, The Swole Green Guy

There’s really only one acceptable answer. I am Chandlo and Chandlo is me. I love the color green and I love working out, be it weight lifting or cardio. And what is Chandlo? Why, Chandlo is a green Grumpus known for being super swole and super into exercise. It’s creepy how perfect this match is.
Wambus Troubleham - Bill Lavoy, Hunter Vanguard

Since I haven’t had the chance to play Bugsnax yet – it’s downloaded – I thought it was a good opportunity to poll the staff and ask which Grumpus I was. TJ Denzer came up with Wambus Troubleham. He justified his selection with, “Bill strikes me as a Wambus Troubleham. No nonsense. Very straight to the point. Very practical.” I take all that as a compliment, but it’s not lost on me that the difference between being straight to the point and a complete jerk is very small!
Elizabert Megafig - Josh Hawkins, Guides Editor

Elizabert is one of the most prominent characters in Bugsnax. That being said, her headstrong nature and uncanny ability to bite off a bit more than she can chew at times is something I can relate to very well. She’s great at finding herself in troubling spots—being an explorer and all—and all around I just love the way she approaches many of the problems she comes face to face with. It’s easy to identify with her go-get-em personality.
Filbo Fiddlepie - TJ Denzer, Mayor of Newsburg

For better or worse, the Grumpus who speaks to me the most is Filbo. Filbo is out there everyday making the best of tough situations. He spends little time complaining, whining, or adding to troubles (and if he does add to troubles, he takes it very personally). He’s doesn’t necessarily have all the specialties that other Grumpuses can boast, but despite that, he tries his best anyways. He’s good at identifying what needs to be done and isn’t afraid to depend on others to help him do it. No Grumpus runs Snaxburg alone! And in return, in a tough time, he invites everyone to look to him, whether he can necessarily help or not, and even whether they like him or not. Filbo is a gold heart in the stormy seas of Snaktooth Island. Where other Grumpuses have their own priorities, he just wants people to be happy… and party every once in a while as any good Grumpus should.
Big Grumpy - David L. Craddock, long reads editor

I have a friend, Andrew, who was not a morning person growing up. On a summer break from college, his girlfriend talked him into working as a camp counselor. This required him to wake up before 12pm, which was unthinkable at the time. He needed an hour or two to acclimate to a.m. hours with daylight, and the kids in his group called him “Big Grumpy” when they learned he’d much rather be sleeping in.
Now I want to be a Bugsnax called Big Grumpy--pretend it’s DLC--so that I, like my friend, can shuffle about, glowering. The difference is everyone everywhere would know my name because I’m growl it over and over: “Big Grumpy.” I’m sure my friend won’t mind. Identify theft is commonplace these days. Anyway. To catch me, you’d need to throw coffee all over me. Just don’t make it scalding. Lukewarm or cooler and we’re good. Otherwise I’ll go all Big Grumpy on you.
Wambus Troubleham - Steve Tyminski, Contributing Editor

Which Bugsnax Grumpus would I be? I think I would have to say that I’m similar to Wambus Troubleham. He is part of a team and is a hard-worker. He’s also calm, cool and collected but can put in a good day's work when needed. He also grows ketchup( my type of guy) and looks like a Muppet and that’s another bonus.
Have you been playing Bugsnax? If so, please let us know which Grumpus you most relate to!
Shack Staff posted a new article, Shack Chat: Which Bugsnax Grumpus would you be?