Evening Reading - November 17, 2020

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Hi, hello. It's me again, coming at you again for an Evening News. Sam keeps leaving this thing open on his laptop, and well, we all know what happens when you leave your accounts open and available to anyone. 

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

Anyone else?

I can't even lie... this is pretty much me any day in 2020.

WoW jokes

Because it's definitely 2004 and this made me chuckle. Week 2 of the new stuff leading up to Shadowlands is apparently available, so you WoW fans should check it out.

Yeah, nobody needs that hassle.

I wish someone looked at me like that, too.

Some kitten cuteness for your day

They're so cute... and dramatic. I love it.

Man this game looks fantastic

I can't wait to play Spider-Man Miles Morales. What a great looking game. This is also a super cool looking flythrough the city.

Man, I love Astroneer

Huge congrats to the fine folks behind Astroneer. Hard to believe it's been a year since the PS4 release. Time sure flies!

There you have it, Shacknews, your Evening Reading for tonight. Please consider subscribing to Shacknews Mercury to support our site for as little as $1/month. Also, he's a picture of Lola when I met her last year. She loved me more than anybody else, I swear.

What are you up to tonight? Let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below.