Evening Reading - September 14, 2020

Published , by Sam Chandler

Good evening Shacknews, it's Monday night in America, which means you're all just starting your week. I'm pleased to report that I'm almost halfway through the week, seeing as it's Tuesday over here already. Never thought you'd hear a timezone brag, did you? We're entering Shacknews After Dark now, so prepare yourself for some great content from around the internet.

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

Dunkey reviews Super Mario 64 circa 2019

With Super Mario 64 releasing on Nintendo Switch this week (alright, there's also Sunshine and Galaxy), what better time to look back at a review of the first 3D Mario game.

Paul "Tayne" Rudd

Crazy to think Paul Rudd recorded this back when he was a hip teenager.

Ornithophobia is no joke

If living in Australia has taught me anything, it's that birds can be arseholes. Swooping season is real and if given the chance and strength, I'm sure magpies and plovers would pick us up if they could. 

First game and most recent game

Robin Beanland is a force of nature when it comes to music. That man has some incredible talents.

Captain America, guarding that freedom

Taking that embarrasing self-leak like a champ. The bloke is so nice, I bet he was horrified to discover what he'd accidentally done. This is an important reminder to keep your nudes in a separate folder. Also, get out and vote on November 3rd. The not-North America countries are watching.

Moose belong in horror movies

Look at the size of this thing. These belong in horror films.

Reverse-job search?

It's always awful getting a rejection letter, so turn those tables and let them know that you do not want that job.

There you have it, Shacknews. Your Evening Reading for September 14, 2020. Please consider subscribing to Shacknews Mercury to support our site for as little as $1/month. Here's a photo of Rad loafing on a chair for your viewing pleasure! 

What are you up to tonight? Let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below.