Canceled Half-Life 3 could have been a combat-focused, procedurally-generated adventure

There are many things Half-Life 3 could have been, and we find ourselves grateful that this particular iteration didn't stick.


After all these years, we're still not getting Half-Life 3, it seems. But thanks to Geoff Keighley's Half-Life: Alyx – Final Hours documentary project, , we do know about what the game could have been, if it had ever made it to release.

Are Technica reports that Half-Life 3 was essentially abandoned, a project that was well in the works but dropped at Valve after going through various iterations. However, the way Keighley described the game in Final Hours, it sounded as if it could have been something completely, drastically different from everything else in the Half-Life universe.

In fact, this vision of Half-Life 3 would have been more like Left 4 Dead. It would have featured roguelite elements and a heavy focus on combat, where players would have moved from room to room to take out a variety of enemies that would spawn at random. Of course, there would be a narrative as well, it would just have taken place in between everything else.

This all took place throughout the 2010s, but unfortunately it did not come to pass as Valve decided to shift to other Half-Life projects, in the form of Marc Laidlaw's VR title Borealis, which ended up not releasing either, but plot details did get leaked by way of Laidlaw's infamous "Epistle 3" post in the past.

Valve still plans on making more Half-Life games, but we don't really know much about them at this point. It may be depressing that we still don't have Half-Life 3, but Half-Life Alyx does make up for it at least a tiny bit.

Our head honcho and CEO Asif Khan reviewed Half-Life Alyx and awarded it a 9 out of 10. Here's what he had to say.

"Half-Life: Alyx is a wonderful new addition to the franchise and sets a path forward for future games to take place in the same universe hopefully powered by this latest iteration of the Source Engine. Valve has showcased a clear way for developers to create a high quality AAA experience built for VR that still hits all the marks of a traditional PC game. While many players will be longing for the days of playing as the silent hero Gordon Freeman, it was an absolute delight to navigate this latest story. "I knew if you both stayed together you could get through anything,“ said G-Man once upon a time, but Alyx showed everyone just how powerful of a bad ass she is when tasked with her own adventure."

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Senior Editor

Fueled by horror, rainbow-sugar-pixel-rushes, and video games, Brittany is a Senior Editor at Shacknews who thrives on surrealism and ultraviolence. Follow her on Twitter @MolotovCupcake and check out her portfolio for more. Like a fabulous shooter once said, get psyched!

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