Knight Shift Games talks Elsie's "curated generation" system

Shacknews catches up with Knight Shift Games to talk about the studio's upcoming indie roguelike, Elsie.


Most roguelike games that players pick up these days include some form of procedural generation. This is done to offer an almost unlimited amount of replayability and has proven to be a successful development method for several years now. With Elsie, though, indie developer Knight Shift Games wanted to provide high amounts of replayability while also still offering a fun, balanced adventure.

During a recent chat with two of the primary members at Knight Shift Games, we had a chance to learn more about the upcoming indie gem, and how the developers have created a “curated generation” system to ensure a balanced, but unique experience each run.

In our talk with Pedro and Alexandro, we learned that Elsie will feature hand-crafted rooms throughout. However, the game will also utilize a procedural generation system, which brings all those rooms together in threads. This, according to Alexandro, allows the developers to provide a lot of replayability, while also controlling the quality of each room. This was done to ensure that players aren’t experiencing rooms with one hundred enemies, and then a room with zero enemies.

Knight Shift Games talks Elsie’s “curated generation” system

Never heard of Elsie? According to the official website:

Elsie is an indie action-platformer filled with rogue-like influences like perma-death, procedurally generated levels, and a wide scope of items and weaponry to make each and every run and unique as possible.

Elsie features a multitude of options when it comes to gameplay and with it’s procedurally generated world creation, the game will never feel the same. Every run is it’s own unique challenge and you’ll be able to craft your experience the way you feel it should be.

You can, as always, check out the full interview above. If you’d like to see more content like this, or just keep up with all the gameplay that we share, be sure to subscribe to Shacknews and GamerHubTV on YouTube.

Guides Editor

Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has been exploring the world of video games for as long as he can remember. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.

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