How to get Eververse Bounty Notes in Destiny 2
Eververse Bounty Notes are the only way for players to purchase Eververse bounties, the new method of earning Bright Dust in Destiny 2.
The release of Destiny 2: Forsaken has changed more than just weapon loadouts and Power level, players can now actively earn Bright Dust by completing Eververse bounties. The only requirement for buying these bounties is that players will need to get Eververse Bounty Notes, an item that can be easy to forget how to acquire.
How to get Eververse Bounty Notes
Tess Everis now sells Eververse Bounties on a daily and weekly basis, though buying them isn’t as cheap as using the stockpile of Glimmer. Tess only accepts Eververse Bounty Notes in exchange for her bounties that reward Bright Dust. In order to get Eververse Bounty Notes, players must level up and earn Steadfast Engrams (Forsaken’s version of the Bright Engram).

Once the maximum level of 50 has been reached, for every level the player would have earned, they will instead receive a Steadfast Engrams. These engrams are decrypted at Tess Everis and reward a variety of cosmetic items, from ships and sparrows, to Ghost shells and weapon ornaments. However, they will also always give players an Eververse Bounty Note.
Because the Eververse Bounties cost several Eververse Bounty Notes, it’s important that players take the time to earn XP in order to level up and receive the Steadfast Engrams. A way to speed this along is to use a Fireteam Medallion, as they increase XP gains from Strikes, Public Events, and Crucible matches for the entire fireteam.

The Steadfast Engrams aren’t the only new addition to the line-up of glowing prisms; the Cryptarch is also offering Prime Engrams for players to find. In order to improve the chances of increasing XP (and getting those Prime Engrams), consider turning Public Events Heroic, such as the Ether Harvest and Cryo-Pod on the Tangled Shore.
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