Wanted: Splendid Mind - Destiny 2
Located the Splendid Mind in the Glade of Echoes on Nessus and complete the Wanted bounty.
There’s something about hunting Wanted Prison of Elders escapees that feels worth doing even though the rewards might not be considered end-game in most cases. It’s a task with purpose, which is why we at Shacknews have been hunting these foes since the release of Forsaken, the latest expansion for Destiny 2. Today, we’re going to track down and eliminate the Splendid Mind that is hiding out in the Glade of Echoes on Nessus.
Wanted: Splendid Mind - Glade of Echoes

To reach the Glade of Echoes, spawn in at the Exodus Black region of Nessus. If you’re also looking to complete the Student of Beltrik Wanted bounty, that’s done near the Exodus Black. For the Splendid Mind, however, hop on a sparrow and head for the Glade of Echoes. My advice upon arrival is to find a very high location and equip a scout rifle or sniper rifle. This will give Guardians a great vantage point and allow them to land a single shot on the Splendid Mind before other Guardians in the area can kill it. A single shot must be landed over the course of a target’s elimination to complete the Wanted bounty.
When the Splendid Mind appears, which could take 10 minutes or more, pick it apart from a great distance with long-range weapons, or get close and smash it with a super ability. Please use proper Guardian etiquette, though, landing a couple shots and waiting to see if other players in the area are after the same target. Nobody wants to wait another 10 or so minutes for this foe to spawn in again.
With the Splendid Mind eliminated and the Glade of Echoes on Nessus once again (temporarily) safe, turn in the Wanted bounty in the inventory. To find more Wanted escapees, visit the Destiny 2 strategy guide and browse through everything we’ve been up to since the Destiny 2 initial release in 2017.