How to Repair Weapons in State of Decay 2
Keep the zombie-killing going by fixing any broken weapons.
Beating zombies to death with fists in State of Decay 2 isn’t really the best option, so it’s a good idea to keep weapons in good condition, and if they do break, know how to repair them. Fixing a broken melee weapon or firearm is an easy process, though it does require a few materials.
Weapon Durability
Each weapon has its own level of durability that can be checked by highlighting it in the inventory and looking for the “Max Durability” stat. A weapon with a larger durability bar will obviously last longer than one with a smaller bar.

As weapons get used, they will transition from completely functional into slightly damaged and then completely broken. The key to look out for is the color of the weapon: yellow means it is damaged and red means it is completely broken, with orange indicating a weapon that is equipped.
How to Repair Weapons
Fixing a weapon in State of Decay 2 requires two items: a workshop and salvage. A workshop can be built inside or outside, and can be fitted into a small slot. Without a workshop, any weapons that become damaged or break will not be able to be fixed.

To fix or repair a broken weapon, take it to the supply locker at the community base and store it in the locker. Once it is in the locker, highlight it to see how many materials are needed in order to repair it, as signified by the screw icon. These screws can be found littered around the world or collected by salvaging unwanted items.

Press the appropriate button to begin the fixing process. A dialog box will appearing stating the amount of materials it will take to repair the weapon as well as the quantity currently in the supply locker. Select the repair option to immediately fix the broken gun or melee weapon.
Repairing the weapons used to defeat zombies (and hostile humans) is vital to continued survival in State of Decay 2. Another important factor of living through the undead infection is ensuring that the community morale stays high and earning influence points to make purchases.