GulliverBeard Error in Sea of Thieves

The beard curse strikes once again as Sea of Thieves players get beached thanks to the persistent GulliverBeard error. 


Sea of Thieves hasn't been out for too long now, but it seems like Rare's newest nautical experience is still being plagued by occasional and often game-breaking bugs. Among common issues like the GreyBeard error or being stuck searching the seas, players have recently started stumbling upon the new GulliverBeard error, which, like others, seems to crop up most often when players are attempting to join a new crew. We're going to look into the typical circumstances of pirates who encounter the GulliverBeard error and take a look at some of the common solutions.

How to Fix the GulliverBeard Error in Sea of Thieves

The best way that players can find official advice regarding the game's multiple potential errors is to head over to the Sea of Thieves support page. Unfortunately, the GulliverBeard is not among the error codes specifically listed on that site. However, we've been doing some digging, and it seems like GulliverBeard is yet-another issue that's tied to joining an online game, more specifically an issue that pops up when players try to join a crew.

In assuming that the problem isn't related to server-side issues like FishBeard or client-side issues like BeigeBeard, it seems that the potential fix for GulliverBeard is the same as other online-related errors. When GulliverBeard rears its ugly head, players are advised first simply to close and restart the game. It may be that this is all that's needed to solve the problem. If that doesn't work, a PC or Xbox One restart may be in order.

If the GulliverBeard error still doesn't want to go away, and players haven't been able to join a successful game so far, the user's own network may be the issue. In that case, the solution may be similar to those given for the LavenderBeard error, where users will want to check their router, antivirus, and firewall settings to make sure that everything is playing nicely together.

Of course, if Rare comes back to us with a true definition of what GulliverBeard means, we may be able to provide a more straightforward solution. We know from the above tweet that the team is looking into the problem, so it may be that sailors cursed by the GulliverBeard error will be back cruising the open ocean in no time.

To learn even more about Rare's latest adventure, head over to our constantly expanding Sea of Thieves guide and walkthrough, which examines some of the game's more popular mechanics and troubleshoots the title's suite of beard-related errors.

Guides Editor

Kevin Tucker is a core component of Shacknews' powerful guide development team. For questions, concerns, tips, or to share constructive criticism, he can be reached on Twitter @dukeofgnar or through e-mail at

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