Where to Find All Gajalaka Doodles in Monster Hunter World
The location of all 10 Gajalaka Doodles you need to find in Monster Hunter World.
Finding all the Gajalaka Doodles in Monster Hunter World is part of the quest to unlock the final Palico gadget, but it can be difficult finding them all. You will need to make your way to the first four areas, and then search them for traces of the mysterious Gajalaka creatures.
Where to Find All 10 Gajalaka Doodles

The 10 Gajalaka Doodles are hidden quite well through the Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, and the Rotten Vale. The quest to find these drawings is called, Cultural Exchange: Gajalaka Linguistics, and is a requirement if you want to unlock the Meowlotov Cocktail Palico gadget. You will need to be on a solo Expedition in order to find these Gajalaka Doodles.

To help you locate all the Gajalaka Doodles, open your map and sort by Small Monsters. Look for the Gajalaka on the map and head to their location, nearby is where you’ll find the doodles. Be careful, the Gajalaka are surprisingly powerful. They will attack you on sight using Molotov cocktails and paralysis darts.
You might luck-out and only need to visit two or three of the areas to complete the quest. However, if you’re anything like me, you may need to visit all four areas in order to find all the Gajalaka Doodles. Below are the locations where I was able to locate the markings, this should be used as a leaping off point for your own investigations.
Gajalaka Doodles – Ancient Forest

The first of the Gajalaka Doodles you can find in the Ancient Forest is located in Area 5, on some rocks on the west wall.

Another Gajalaka Doodles can be found in Area 15, which is located in the upper levels of the great tree.
Gajalaka Doodles – Wildspire Waste

Another two Gajalaka Doodles can be found in the Wildspire Waste. To find the first doodle, start at the first campsite and head to Area 7.

The next Gajalaka Doodles can be found in Area 3 of the Wildspire Waste. This is where you would have encountered one of the flying wyverns when you first arrived here.
Gajalaka Doodles – Coral Highlands
There are two more Gajalaka Doodles to be found in the Coral Highlands. If you’re struggling to locate them, remember you can open your map and look around for the Gajalaka creatures, as they are typically located near their markings.

Both of the Gajalaka Doodles in Coral Highlands should appear near one another. To find them both, head to Area 12, which is on the middle layer of the Coral Highlands.
Gajalaka Doodles – Rotten Vale

You can finish off finding the Gajalaka Doodles in the Rotten Vale. While you should have only 6 Gajalaka Doodles at this point, you can actually find the last 4 in the Rotten Vale. The first two markings can be found in Area 3, near the exit to the long ramp down to Area 4.

The final Gajalaka Doodles can be found in the cave system in Area 15. Here you’ll find a significant amount of the markings, which will help you finish the quest.
With all 10 Gajalaka Doodles found, you can complete the quest by returning to Astera and speaking with the Resource Center. You won’t be able to unlock the Palico gadget until after you’ve unlocked High Rank quests, armor, and weapons, so make sure you get that underway. Take a look at our Monster Hunter World guide for more walkthroughs and tips.