What are Faction Rallies in Destiny 2?
Faction Rallies are coming to Destiny 2, but what are they?
Faction Rallies are coming to Destiny 2 beginning September 26, 2017. This aligns with the weekly reset, with the event officially going live at 5 a.m. EDT. Once live, players will be able to pledge to one of the three factions available in Destiny 2, which are the same factions you came to know and serve in the original Destiny. Faction Rallies, however, work much differently than you might expect.
What are Faction Rallies?

Faction Rallies will allow players to pledge their allegiance to one of the three main Factions in Destiny 2. Those are the Future War Cult, Dead Orbit and New Monarchy. Once you pledge allegiance, you simply play the game and earn Faction Tokens for the one your chose. At the end of one week, which coincides with the following weekly reset, one of the Factions will be picked as the winner based on how much reputation its followers earned. That Faction will sell its loyal followers Powerful Gear at the low price of 1,000 Glimmer. Players who backed the wrong Faction can also buy the item, but for 50,000 Glimmer.
Between September 26 and October 3, the following Powerful Gear is available:
- Dead Orbit: Scout Rifle
- New Monarchy: Sidearm
- Future War Cult: Pulse Rifle
It’s also worth noting that you can only pledge your loyalty to a Faction if you have finished the campaign and reached Level 20.
What is the Best Faction in Destiny 2?
Players will want to know the best Faction to back in Destiny 2, but there won't be one. Bungie will make sure that each Faction is given Powerful Gear that is likely to catch the attention of veteran Guardians. Although, you could theoretically have three characters at Level 20, using each one to pledge their loyalty to a different Faction. This means that no matter who is the best on a given week, you’ll be able to get the Powerful Gear item for the lower price of 1,000 Glimmer.
If you only have one character in Destiny 2 and don’t want to back the wrong horse, we’d recommend paying a visit to the DestinyTheGame subreddit after the weekly reset on September 26. You’ll be able to get a good sense of what Faction the game’s true hardcore Guardians are backing, allowing you to sneak in the back door and get 1,000 Glimmer item.
Faction Rallies will bring a new way to earn Powerful Gear to a game that seems to need it at the moment. Of course, if you aren’t quite at that point yet we’d be more than happy to help you along on your journey as a Guardian. Visit the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for all your needs.