Xbox Games With Gold For July Are Underwhelming

It's a slow month for game releases, and also for free games. But they're still free.


Xbox Games With Gold usually offers some stellar titles from its back catalog to Xbox Gold members each month. However, July seems to be a bit wanting, much like the new release calendar each summer. The good news is they are free games, and you may just find a hidden gem you hadn't known about before.

The offers for July include Grow Up and Runbow on Xbox One, and Kane & Lynch 2 and LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean on Xbox 360, but backward compatible. Grow Up from Ubisoft is free for the whole month. Kane & Lynch 2 goes from July 1-15, while LEGO Pirates picks up the next day and is free from July 16-31. Runbow spans the gap, running from July 16 to August 15. The package of games will save you about $60.

If you haven't taken advantage of the June games yet, you can still grab Dragon Age: Origins (Xbox 360), Phantom Dust DLC and SpeedRunners (Xbox One) until June 30. Watch Dogs for Xbox One is free until July 15.

As always, you must be an Xbox Live Gold member to get the freebies. 

Contributing Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 27, 2017 10:45 AM

    John Keefer posted a new article, Xbox Games With Gold For July Are Underwhelming

    • reply
      June 27, 2017 12:17 PM

      With the introduction of their Game Pass subscription service, I suspect Games with Gold will get de-prioritized in the process. I'm not going to complain too much; even though this is lackluster in comparison to what they've offered in the past, it's still far better than the average month from Sony.

    • reply
      June 27, 2017 12:27 PM

      Grow Up is one of those games that I've heard a lot about and would have never bought on my own.

      .3nv7 is right though, I can't imagine they'll keep pumping out big titles with Games with Gold. Hell, Games with Gold is a weird added value that's become expected now. I almost feel entitled when I feel sad that there isn't anything I'd play on the list.

    • reply
      June 27, 2017 3:32 PM


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