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Lord of the Rings Online: Helm's Deep expansion announced

I did like that bit in the Lord of the Rings movies when they finally stopped walking about and had a big fight. That was fun. The Battle of the Hornburg will finally come to The Lord of the Rings Online as "the most massive conflict yet" with the 'Helm's Deep' expansion. Announced today by publisher Warner Bros, it's due this fall.

DC Comics MOBA 'Infinite Crisis' announced

Yes, yes, you may be sick of all the games in the MOBA gold rush chasing the success of Dota 2 and League of Legends, but if I were to say you could play as Batman in one, wouldn't part of you be a little bit excited beneath the bewilderment? Well, you'll be able to in Infinite Crisis, a free-to-play Dote 'em up which draws characters from across the DC Comics Multiverse.

Asheron's Call 2 resurrected

Ho ho ho! And what does Santa Alice have in her sack for you this year? She's been watching you all year and knows exactly what you want and deserve: for Turbine to resurrect Asheron's Call 2 seven years after its MMORPG shut down. Shh, shh, don't say a thing, sweet one. Santa Alice just knows.

Hello, Meet Lola