All Stories Tagged: Next Xbox, Page 3

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Battlefield 4 single-player campaign is DICE trying to 'grow up'

The Battlefield series has thrived on multiplayer, so it was a bit of a surprise when it was announced at GDC that Battlefield 4 would focus more on a single-player campaign. Developer DICE wants to create more than just a shooter experience and have players form a bond with the characters.

Bloomberg: Next Xbox won't be backwards-compatible

Speaking to an anonymous source, Bloomberg reports that the next Xbox will use a variant of AMD Jaguar technology, and that the switch to x86 architecture (much like PS4) will mean "game discs made for the current Xbox 360 won't be compatible."

Thief's new voice actor for Garrett unveiled

The was much wailing and gnashing of teeth from old-school Thief fans when it was revealed that Stephen Russell would not be reprising the role of Garrett. But in a new community video post, Eidos Montreal has revealed the new actor, found during a talent search in Montreal.

Thief preview: out of the shadows

The team at Eidos Montreal has a tough road ahead with its reboot of Thief. On the one hand, it must face the expectations of old-school players who loved the original Looking Glass and Ion Storm games. On the other, it must appease newer gamers who may have limited experience with stealth action. So what does the studio do? Producer Stephane Roy said they plan to stick to their own vision of what Thief should be.

Far Cry 3 technical director on next-gen console development

Far Cry 3 technical director Cedric Decelles is thoroughly excited for PS4 and the next-generation of consoles. After accepting the award for Best Technology at the GDC Awards, we chatted with him about what he thinks will come from the next-gen.

Hello, Meet Lola