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Darksiders 2 Argul's Tomb DLC coming next week

If you're hankering for s'more Darksiders, you're in luck. THQ has announced that the first DLC pack for Darksiders 2 will be available to download next week on PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, and PC.

Darksiders 2 review

Darksiders 2 hits today, letting you step into the tattered robes of Death. How does this sequel compare to the original?

Darksiders 2 'Arena Challenge' mode and New Game+ revealed

Oh, what a bother it was when you finish a single-player game's campaign and must find something else to while away the dragging hours of your life! With Darksiders 2, however, you'll be able to return in New Game+ mode or jump into a wave survival mode, publisher THQ announced today.

Darksiders 2 gameplay trailer gets Colossus

You don't often think of Death as a hero, but the new Darksiders 2 trailer shows the most feared horseman of the Apocalypse beating down baddies to try to save the human race from extinction.

Darksiders 2 will have a DLC season pass

Requisite for all big-budget games these days is DLC. However, THQ's upcoming action adventure title, Darksiders 2, promises to have enough to warrant a DLC Season Pass.

Darksiders 2 dev: Wii U 'on par with current generations'

We haven't yet seen a good demonstration of the Wii U's pixel-pushing prowess, but developers are having mixed results. Darksiders II developer Vigil Games has chimed in, saying DS2 is running about the same on Wii U as on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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