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XCOM FPS site taken down, videos removed

The XCOM shooter has had its site removed and videos pulled from 2K's official YouTube channel, and recent domain registrations indicate it may be getting a rebranding as "The Bureau."

BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition includes virtual museum

If you have skipped the BioShock series for some reason, perhaps due to a lengthy coma or immense silliness, you'll soon be able to make amends with one handy bundle. Publisher 2K today announced the BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition collection, which bundles the first two games together with all their DLC. Super keen BioShock fans may be interested too, as it introduces a new virtual museum level filled with BioShock history.

XCOM delayed into 'fiscal 2014'

What ever happened to the XCOM FPS reboot by 2K Marin? Apparently, it is now scheduled to launch in fiscal 2014, which begins on April 1, 2013.

Hello, Meet Lola