Deadly Premonition is available again digitally for the US in the XBOX Store

Deadly Premonition is available again digitally for the US in the XBOX Store

A cult classic game that was delisted from the XBOX store in the US a few years ago and Backwards Compatible with the XBOX One is now available again. Deadly Premonition is back baby!

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Deadly Premonition for the XBOX 360 joined the Backwards Compatibility club in 2017. Shortly a few months later it was delisted in the US store so the only way to play the cult classic game was with a physical copy.

Last night, I noticed the game was available to purchase again in the US store and picked it up for $20. I look forward to the future Digital Foundry video to see how it runs on the XBOX Series X.

Link to the page.

Note: I purchased it through the XBOX store app on the console.

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