ARK Survival Evolved Review

ARK Survival Evolved Review

As its title indicates, a player's duty is to survive in an implacable and hostile world...


The structure of the game is not too different from what would be the fundamental basis of any survival game. With the dinosaur element, the game puts players in a world that's both ancient and futuristic. In order to survive, players must not only be cautious of the predators, but it will also be a matter of life and death to control the temperature, resources, food, hydration, and the environment.



The journey of survival begins when we set foot on the ground for the first time. We won't find any tutorials or aids that tell us how to survive. All we have is a series of easily identifiable icons (hunger meters, thirst, energy or the weight we carry) and an instinct with which to act. So the first steps are easily chaotic. It is common to end up in the stomach of a prehistoric creature if we are not yet able to read our environment. Especially if we do not know the dangers of the night.



With a system that keeps our progress in the form of levels, it will be our task to go back to life to learn. To learn that we can pick berries from the ground to feed ourselves first. That, with their enormous effort, we can break trees with our knuckles. And from these we can make basic tools such as picks (with which to obtain flint and work on spears, axes) or torches to survive the darkness of the night. The work in ARK: Survival Evolved evolves little by little, as the player discovers, following a scheme of trial and error, how his world works. A difficulty curve, therefore, that fits the needs of each person and that is not usually too hard, for any type of player with simply a little perseverance.



We will continue to improve our stats. An essential point from which, each player must draw their own conclusions. Increasing vitality will make you less prone to death by dinosaur attacks. But sometimes having an extended thirst counter or more capacity in the backpack can be just what we need. Not only will we be able to distribute points to improve our stats. But also leveling up is rewarded with knowledge. So it will be, again, our mission to choose what knowledge we must obtain. Weapons, useful objects, structures to create a small settlement... The possibilities are extensive, achieving an important sense of freedom. Of adventure itself.



Just like its possibilities, the content in ARK is very extensive. The title opens doors to a vast world rich in nature and creatures that does not put an end to exploration. Its concept of freedom invites us to travel little by little through prehistory. Something that we can do individually, but that offers tons more fun and good times if we are in favor of playing on online servers, along with other survivors.



ARK: Survival Evolved insists and invites us to move. To discover. It is a system in which you explore, die and return with the motivation to go one step further. A concept in combination with its capabilities and freedoms make up a particularly attractive and absorbing proposal that says a lot about the game itself.




In conclusion, ARK: Survival Evolved is a highly immersive and capable experience. Its main idea is pretty clear: allowing us to experience a universe where prehistoric titans walk the earth. All this works perfectly with an imposing world, full of possibilities and places to explore. Something to which its systems are added, the ability to customize our progress according to our needs, and the concept of respawn that allows us to return on our feet if we make any mistake.

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