All Stories By

Kat Bailey

Episodic content would alleviate 'mistakes' of MMOs, Ultima creator says

Having been involved in role-playing games for so many years, starting with the Ultima games, Richard Garriott is quite qualified to discuss what is wrong with the genre. And one of the biggest mistakes being made by MMOs today is spending so much time and money on the game without knowing if the audience will accept it.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag preview: refreshing a franchise

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag represents an opportunity to refresh the franchise at large. Building upon the excellent ship-to-ship action of Assassin's Creed 3, almost the entirety of AC4 is set on the high seas. It's deeper too. Think of it as The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, but with assassins, boarding actions, customizable crews, and underwater exploration.

WildStar preview: MMO problem-solver

WildStar is an ambitious project that holds a lot of promise. Maybe Carbine won't make "the next great MMO," but given all the talent and intelligent ideas behind WildStar, it should at least be a fun one.

SimCity preview: preparing for the future

Having spent a day with SimCity, it's easy to leave some of the cynicism about the project at the door. The general impression is that the online-only integration stems in part from Maxis' desire to have as many tools at their disposal as possible. Inevitably, it will rub some long-time fans the wrong way. But one leaves with the sense that we're only scratching the surface with what Maxis can do with SimCity over the next several years, and that online integration is a big part of that.

Dead Space 3 preview: taking risks

Visceral Games knows what it is doing with Dead Space 3. It understands what makes this series tick. And as it turns out, moving down to an ice planet may be just what Dead Space needs.

Fuse multiplayer preview: chaotic co-op

Between its emphasis on teamwork, strong multiplayer options, and solid shooting mechanics, Fuse is looking like it'll be an impressive cooperative shooter if developer Insomniac can follow through.

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