Evening Reading


Ok, Steve's pooped because he had to play with the server last night, so that leaves you guys in my not-quite-so-capable hands. (Insert dirty joke --> here <--) Anyway, here's what we got for you guys:

-You've got porn! Some good stuff about porn and AOL, with the subtitle summing it up: "We have met America Online's perverts, and they are us." Heh, tell them to read werd sometime. -Some guy sent me this. I have no idea. I don't even want to. -Ever see that skit about the "Spaghetti Jesus"? I think me and Jack were the only two to actually see that skit. Oh well, here's what can be described as nothing less than the Fence Jesus. Looks more like the bad guy from "Scream" but hey thats me. -Sperm Smugglers?!!?. This counts up there as the weirdest crap I've ever seen. Apparently some prison guards were helping some inmates in getting their women remotely knocked up. Sorry, I don't think I could handle some other guy's spoo.
Kinda runnng short on interesting things, so mail me some cool stuff.

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola