Evening Reading!!!


omg, my first ever Evening Reading! Can you feel it? Just saw "Meet the Parents" tonight for the second time tonight. Kinda ironic since like sTeve, I just got engaged to a nice young Canadian chippee. Anyway, here goes the news:

- Saw this over Slashdot. Lego has released a Mindstorm AT-AT. This is quite possibly the ultimate geek doo-hickey. Costs $99. If my pimp would ever pay me, I'd go get one. - Microsoft, obviously not content with just ruling the desktop market, wants to expand. But this is scary. They want to put windows in cars. not like a windshield, but something called Windows CE for Automotive. Does anybody trust this? Here's the possiblities: Porn delivered to your car. Windows. Play Quake in your car. Have windows crash and your steering wheel no longer work. Is that a bad thing? Course, you could be like "Officer! Windows has a bug and that's why I was going 104 in a 35! Honest! - King_Darius sent me this. You know those camera's that take pictures of you when you drive through a red light? Making rude gestures apparently is a no-no. The Automobil Club Europe says ``But the video footage proves the opposite, showing the defendant looking at the video camera, raising his left arm and holding out his middle finger close to the windshield." Obviously what they are saying is "Save your rudeness for the live cops."
Oh, by the way, Hi Kandace ;)

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