Shack's Arcade Corner: Contra Video

Shack's Arcade Corner: Contra. Contra distributed as Gryzor in Europe, is a 1987 run and gun action game developed and published by Konami originally released as a coin-operated arcade game on February 20, 1987. A home version was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988, along with ports for various computer formats, including the MSX2. The home versions were localized in the PAL region as Gryzor on the various computer formats and as Probotector on the NES, released later. Several Contra sequels were produced following the original game. The name of the game refers to the Contras, a group of CIA-backed Nicaraguan rebels who were frequently in the news in the United States in that period. CONNECT WITH US! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Watch us live at To support the team, visit the site:

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