TRIBES v1.7 Soon

Tim Gift of Dynamix made a .plan update stating that v1.7 of TRIBES is just about ready to go out the door. The patch has moved its way over to the QA guys who are testing the patch for any bugs that may have slipped through before we can get our grubby paws on it.

Put a few fixes into the current patch (should end up version 1.7); the elevator bugs (displacing deployables through floors, and player warping). No more flying through ceilings with vehicles, a few other misc. things. JohnA fixed a number of bug's in the scripts, and the palette problem should addressed (DaveM). The release notes will have the full list.

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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