Painkiller Developer People Can Fly Trademarks 'Bulletstorm'
It seems likely that this could be the intended name of the previously undisclosed game mentioned back in August when Electronic Arts announced that Epic Games and People Can Fly were working on a new multi-platform property for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC as part of its EA Partners program.
If only PCF had been given the chance to continue the Painkiller franchise beyond the expansion to the original. I think everyone will agree that there's a distinctive line dividing the original + exp and the rest, in terms of quality.
I don't know; I'm eager to see them start something new, as long as they concentrate on making the gameplay mechanic fun. Painkiller was definitely fun, though it got a bit old after running through it a ton of times, and I disagreed with the mechanic of locking out levels to lower difficulty settings.