Final Fantasy 7 Hits PS3 and PSP in Japan
Costing 1,500 Yen ($15), FF7 International is the Japanese localisation of the American version, which improved the original release with new cutscenes, additional graphics in some areas, a better spell management system, and polished and new battles.
There's absolutely no word of a release elsewhere, but if wishes were horses...
Sweet hopefully they'll bring it here (even though everyone owns it already). It would be cool to see Final Fantasy II & III (IV & VI) come too. Granted I still got all those on the PSX disks they were rereleased on and could play them anytime on ps3 already, it would be cool to see them come here and in 720p/1080p graphics.
That's why they are called PS1 Classics, they aren't remastered. The PS3 has settings to make them look better when you play the old disks, but what they are really good for is playing on the PSP. The PSP basically is a PS1, but not exactly. Anyone who tries will find out they all don't work flawlessly, so Sony must be modifying them to work as good as the original. Some disks I had didn't play perfectly but the version they sell on the store does so I was able to sell my old physical disks.