Wii System Software, Internet Channel Updated with Keyboard Support

Version 3.1 of the Wii system software has become available, with this version officially adding USB keyboard support. Additionally, a new version of the Wii's Opera-powered browser is available on the Wii Shop Channel to take advantage of the keyboard-specific features and add a few others.

The updated browser includes a "send to a friend" option for sending links inside Wii messages to friends you've added. It also includes support for the ultra-advanced PC mechanic known as copy and paste, nine more slots for favorites, and the ability to use the Wii remote's B button as a shift key with the on-screen soft keyboard.

A new version of the Everybody Votes channel has also become available, adding keyboard support as well. A previous Wii system update added barebones Wii keyboard support for the messaging center and Shop Channel.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 10, 2007 10:50 AM

    Everybody would be neat if they expanded it a little more

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