Star Wars Galaxies Update Q&A


RPG Vault has a Star Wars Galaxies - Chapter 3: Smugglers and Scoundrels Q&A posted, asking LucasArts producer Jake Neri about this newly launched update. Topics include the theme of the update, features based on player feedback, the new smuggling system, the new faction ranking and reward system and UI improvements.

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From The Chatty
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    September 29, 2006 6:06 AM

    Players will gain more faction the more they participate, and on a weekly basis, they will see their faction rank and faction title increase. This will be displayed with a new interface in game.

    Hmm that sounds familiar, where I have I seen this failed system in action before?

    Note to devs, if you're going to implement stuff from other games at least make sure it's not the crappy stuff.

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