Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Previews


EuroGamer, GameSpot and Computer & Video Games have all gone live with new previews of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, as the highly anticipated multiplayer action was recently shown off at developer Splash Damage. The previews, which include snazzy new screenshots, cover DOOM 3 engine modifications, encouraging teamplay, the team's vehicles, the learning curve, character classes and more.

Throughout all this, the key word is "teamplay". Wedgwood says it a lot. Of course there is some scope for personal achievement - an experience points system, which is being worked on at the moment, carries through each campaign, and Wedgwood promises it won't be as simplistic as something like CTF assists. "You can't just stand next to a flag and bank some points." They're also toying with the idea of persistent ranks. But it is a team game first and foremost. With absolutely no single-player in the box. As to what is in the box, there's talk of 12 maps, although they may cut or add maps right up to the last minute, and Wedgwood's quite clear about why: "It doesn't matter if we've spent six months on one, if we're not happy with it and it's not fun we're not going to ship it," he states.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 13, 2006 9:49 AM

    I look forward to this game like no other FPS on the horizon. I truly hope that they have some type of anti-cheat out of the box ...

    • reply
      January 13, 2006 9:52 AM

      I agree fully. no other fps has me this excited.. the only one that comes close is the new Unreal Tournament

      • reply
        January 13, 2006 10:02 AM

        ^^^ My thoughts are the same as these mofo's

        • reply
          January 13, 2006 10:05 AM

          Totally in agreement. A game that could, and by all rights should, be a multiplayer spectacle straight out of the box.

    • reply
      January 13, 2006 10:14 PM

      Same here. This is the game that I upgrade for, and the game that I hope takes me away from BF2. Don't get me wrong BF2 is a great game, but this seems like a nice new direction to try out for a bit.. until something even niftier comes along eventually.

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