Gender in Gaming


Over on 1UP is a feature article that takes a look at the role that gender has played throughout the history of gaming, mainly focusing on the evolution of the female character. While there have been early pioneers for characters that women could identify with, such as Samus from Metroid, for the most part female game characters have been chesty bombshells. It also takes a look at women in gaming-related environments, such as TV shows.

Morgan Webb from G4's X-Play has a composed personality, but men are shown building shrines to her, tripping over themselves and making a huge deal out of the fact that she's a woman who happens to like games. Aside from Webb, the women who usually appear on these networks to represent female gamers are unvaryingly clad in size 0 jeans and tight tube-tops. They spit like angry cats as they scream about their mad gaming skillz and call a challenge for male gamers to "get their ass kicked" by a girl.
So what's the solution? Do developers need to be more mindful about the female characters they create? Or do games need to be made strictly with the female gamer in mind?

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From The Chatty
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    July 1, 2005 6:46 AM

    Oh no, first ethnic diversity, now gender.

    *covers eyes*

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