The Games of Summer 2005

Summer has officially arrived and what are we going to do with all that free time? Well, most of us are either still taking classes or working our jobs.. but what are we going to do with all the time when we're procrastinating?! That's right, play games! But which games to choose? Luckily for you, I have compiled a list of all the big summer games for each and every platform! (except Mac; who the hell plays games on those?) Here's a bit about Killer 7..
Capcom's gritty, gory action thriller FINALLY arrives after many, many delays. Originally a GameCube exclusive, Killer 7 will now ship for both the PS2 and GCN. Players take control of Harman Smith, an assassin who has a serious problem with schizophrenia. He has seven alter egos that are radically different from each other; for instance, he can become Mask De Smith, a grenadier, or Con Smith, a blind man with excellent hearing and super speed. You're able to change personalities at any point in the game, allowing you to approach situations in different, unique ways each time.

This guide to summer gaming gives you a quick-hit synopsis of some of the biggest titles as well as clues you in on a few flying under the radar. Check it out and if you think I missed a title, let us know about it in the comments!

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 28, 2005 9:11 AM

    does a release date of september count as summer? that's when shadow of the colussus comes out.

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