Carmack on NV30, More


id's John Carmack has posted another lenghty .plan file update, this time discussing NV30 (GeForce FX) vs R300 (Radeon 9700) among several other technical things related to DOOM 3. Here's a snip

I am using an NV30 in my primary work system now, largely so I can test more of the rendering paths on one system, and because I feel Nvidia still has somewhat better driver quality (ATI continues to improve, though). For a typical consumer, I don't think the decision is at all clear cut at the moment. For developers doing forward looking work, there is a different tradeoff -- the NV30 runs fragment programs much slower, but it has a huge maximum instruction count. I have bumped into program limits on the R300 already. As always, better cards are coming soon. ...

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