Jack's Word

I think Steve and Maarten are trying to make Sunday their day off. So I guess I'll make it my day on :-)

Firstly, is anyone else getting annoying with all of the overpromoting that the new Austin Powers movie is participating in? I mean, I have a Tivo and skip almost all commercials and yet I still see too much. I'm pretty sure I saw him in a Gold Bond Medicated Powder commercial on Univision, but I may be mistaken (or it may have been Telemundo). I guess I'm really just tired of the Britney Spears Pepsi Twist commercial with him. I dunno - it's getting me significantly less excited for the movie. A lot of the charm of the first was being completely surprised because I knew next to nothing about it. The second was nice, but had a lot of re-used jokes. This one, well, let's just hope it's ok.

Oh, and as everyone knows from my Survivor Friday's way back when, I seem to love extremely bad television. This trend has continued with American Idol, which has arguably the worst hosts ever, but still keeps me watching for some reason. -sigh-

movie: Felix, say hello to Dink. Dink, say goodbye to Felix. Man talk!

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola