Shack GeForce256 Benchmarks

Well, as I mentioned yesterday afternoon before I flew home I've finally gotten my hands on a NVidia GeForce256 card. I'll be spending the weekend benchmarking the card and have already started to do a bit of that before the need to pass out has overtaken me. I've made a couple of interesting discoveries already which won't interest you guys a whole lot aside from making my benchmarks more accurate than I believe most others have been. I'll have the completed GeForce article ready to roll tomorrow evening but I wanted to give you guys a taste of the benchmarks I've come up with:

System: Athlon 600mhz, 256megs pc133 ram.
Settings: High Quality, no sound.
Game: Q3Test v1.08
Creative TNT2Ultra @ 800x600 = 60.3fps
NVidia GeForce256 @ 800x600 = 80.4fps

Very interesting yes? I'll have all of the other resolutions covered, as well as several other cpus included in the benchmarks come tomorrow night (hopefully) for you guys. Oh yeah, and NVidia sent me some email I'll post for you guys later not very happy about that post I made yesterday.

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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