Shack Q3Test v1.09 Report

Carried over from yesterday: As I mentioned a couple of days ago I took a trip down to id Software to check out the latest build of Q3Test, I was actually just there to help Carmack tweak the lightning gun but as always I ended up playing a whole lot more. I wrote up my impressions of the latest build and listed off some of the features for you guys. I shared a few more of my opinions than usual in this one, lets see if it pisses any of you guys off eh? Here's a quote from Carmack on the rocketlauncher:

Steve: how many units wide is the rocket splash?
Carmack: 120 units, mesured from the point of impact to the edge of a characters bounding box. It does 100 points damage if it hits directly, scaling linearly down to 0 at the 120 range.

You guys can of course leave your comments here, or (preferably)head over to the Quake3 messageboard which doesnt hurt my server so much so I can hopefully keep the server online for the rest of the evening.

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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