Bit Of NOLF2 News

It seems the hype machine for No One Lives Forever 2 is finally starting. An upcoming issue of Computer Gaming World will have a five page preview of the game, and here's what Kristin from NOLF Girl sent to us.

On February 22, an inaccurate message was posted on the website regarding the sequel to The Operative: No One Lives Forever by a new intern at Fox Interactive. The message referenced outdated information and incorrectly stated that the game would feature Deathmatch, Team and Cooperative modes.

Fox Interactive would like to set the record straight. The Monolith Productions team is hard at work creating the most enjoyable game possible. New features will include mission-based Cooperative multiplayer mode, new weapons and gadgets, improved AI, great mission variety and a vast array of exciting new features. Fox Interactive wishes to apologize to the NOLF community for the misinformation. Please visit for regular updates on this title in the upcoming months.

I believe Vivendi/Sierra will start hyping the game online pretty soon as well. The first No One Lives Forever was one of the best games of 2000 (imho), let's hope the sequel will be just as good.
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