Last Survivor Friday

Well last night was it, the final episode of this season. And so, the last survivor wrapup until, well, next year maybe :-) It was a pretty fun year, though near the end, the game really started to wind down a lot. When they show the flashbacks in this episode, it really got me to remember how much fun people like Silas and Lindsey were to watch (and hate) from week to week.SPOILERS AHEAD

The beginning of this episode showed us the final four: Ethan, Lex, Big Tom, and Old Kim. It started with them standing on a big rock looking out at the world. Yay. Also, it had another Lex freak out session, where he felt obligated to talk to Big Tom about the things Theresa mentioned (which were mostly lies). They ended up getting in a shouting match and, well, that's it. I think Tom even made a word - "worryation." The episode then wasted no time on a reward and went straight to immunity at the tribal council. They had another "remember your former survivors" contest. For the first time ever, Kim J won the immunity (by remembering that Kelly has no piercings). This broke up the male alliance hopes, and Big Tom was voted out by everyone.

Now that we're down to three, the immunity challenge was, like other years, an endurance test. There was also a nice flashback sequence, but the only good part was Young Kim getting washed. Jeff woke them up in the middle of the night (when Lex mentions that he shat about 12 times that night - ew) to take them to the immunity where they had to stand on two poles and hold on to an idol. Ethan stumbled right at the beginning, and about 4 hours into it, Lex's body just collapsed. Old Kim wins again! And who does she vote out?! Lex!!! Finally!

So now we're down to the jury. Brandon was a bitch and asked some question that Ethan went against Brandon on, Big Tom asked a dumb question because he knew who he was voting for, and Kelly asked the random number question and was a drama queen. Oh, and Lex is a dick. :) Anyway, when it was all said and done Ethan (or as Tom wrote, "Eathen" thx gcshaw) ended up winning! I'm just happy it wasn't Lex.

Anyway, my Tivo missed the interviews afterward :-( Highlights? Lots. Tom and Lex arguing, Kelly's and Brandon's drama queen acts, Lex losing, Ethan saying "you" to Brandon's question of "who deserves to be up here the least," Lex losing, Tom going psycho in the jury vote, seeing Lindsey all bruised up again, Lex losing, Kim all awkward answering Tom's dumb question, and finally Lex losing!!!!

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