Late Survivor Friday!

Well I'm here in Atlanta now, and it was either post this nice and late or dictate the update to Steve. I'm tired, so I'll keep it short... SPOILERS AHEAD

Well this was probably one of the more obvious shows so far. Pretty much the entire episode, it was obvious Frank was gone. Though there was some suspense during the immunity challenge where Lex faltered and Frank almost won it. As for the politicking, Lex has obviously lost a lot of his influence with Ethan and Big Tom (who seem to be running things now). Also, there seems to be a little strife between Theresa and Leather Sack Kim, as Theresa was trying to save Frank and failing miserably. As for the food, the people were getting lethargic, so they had an "auction" and everyone ate.

This ep had its fair share of highlights. The reward challenge had Tom saying "The Jew can't eat ham! I get all the ham!" That was probably the best, followed by Tom giving Hot Kim a shower (and her giving him a bit of a show) and Frank trying to be "social," and talking about gun laws and how stupid liberals are. Oh, and does anyone thing next week's "boys vs. girls" show isn't going to be that at all, and that either Theresa or Hot Kim is next?

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