E3 Wrap-ups

I plan to do maximum E3 coverage without hesitation hoorj! when I return but you can read what other people have to say (why!?!) if you wish. Here's a bunch of places that have write-ups already of what was at the show and how they felt things went. Check it:

- GameSpot's coverage was great as usual.
- PC.IGN (and CUBE , XBOX and PS2) has some pretty good stuff.
- FiringSquad is doing their thing (Hi Marcus!)
- CNET coverage is fairly interesting and more of an 'outside' feel.
- GameSpy is offering up their own brand of coverage.

I'm sure there is quite a bit more coverage out there and I may take a crack at rounding up some more of the stuff if I start to feel saucy. Now is about the time everyone starts deciding what was the 'best' at the show. I dont think anything really stole the show though.. Metal Gear Solid2 was the clear show stealer last yar.. didnt have one of those this year.

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Shacknews.com. Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 20, 2001 5:45 AM

    w00t . e3 over

    • reply
      May 20, 2001 5:46 AM

      1 so is ur life u little magot! feel the wrath of my hammer of +3 hammerage.

      • reply
        May 20, 2001 5:51 AM

        ha ha, ur just bitter cuz you didn't get first post

        • reply
          May 20, 2001 5:52 AM

          #3 FOOLISH CHILD, repent or feel the vengence of my lightning bolts of +3 electricity damage!

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