How to retry fiend intel - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

A perfectionist I see.


After securing the Chocobo Piko in chapter 2, you’ll run into the Final Fantasy 7 remake NPC Chadley. This is where he will teach you about World Intel, which is the bulk of the side content in each zone of Rebirth. Fiend Intel is a subsection of World Intel, specifically designed around fighting monsters while completing specific objectives. 

How to retry fiend intel

To retry fiend intel you’ll need to be in the area where the fight took place and hold the triangle button. This will reset the fight and respawn the enemies so you can try again. It’s hard to see at first, but if you look in the top left of the screen, you’ll see the prompt to hold triangle. You’ll need to be in the general area where the fight took place, so use the field intel marker on the map to fast-travel back if you’ve strayed too far away.

An image showcasing how to retry field intel indicated by a red circle in the top left of the screen.

It’s not just about taking the enemies down though. Chadley has a checklist for you to accomplish in each of the fights.

These range from staggering an enemy to not getting hit by a unique move or spell. Each fiend intel will have different objectives and if you don’t meet all of the criteria, you can simply try again as listed above. 

If you’re someone who needs to make sure every box is ticked before moving on, you’re going to be in for an uphill battle. As you progress through the different zones, the fiend intel difficulty will increase as well, with more daunting tasks. Retrying each one to get 100% is no easy effort, but luckily resetting the encounter is incredibly easy once you find the small button prompt.

There are plenty of other World Intel activities to do for Chadley in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. So check out our guides hub to ensure you stay in the loop and don’t miss a beat.

Contributing Editor

Jesse is a freelance games journalist who can't get enough of FFXIV and other RPGs. He has collaborated with Game Informer, Giantbomb, Prima Games, and more. He loves playing games together with friends and family and can be found doing mundane tasks like fishing or cooking in games. You can follow him on X (Twitter) @Jessevitelli.

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