Evening Reading - January 20, 2023

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Greetings, once again, Shacknews! I have returned for more news, memes, and entertainment! It's the Friday edition of Evening Reading!

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And, because it's the weekend, go find yourself something to play!

Around the gaming horn

Like a Dragon: Ishin is weeks away from release, so check out this overview of some of the mini-games you can expect to see.

Meet some more new characters for Octopath Traveler 2, which is also set to arrive in a matter of weeks.

ICYMI: Monster Hunter Rise is now on Xbox and it's part of Xbox Game Pass.

And enjoy the latest track from Street Fighter 6!

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

Sweep the leg one last time

Cobra Kai will soon reach the end of the road.

Season 2 of [cut to blood-splattered logo]

We get the Season 2 Invincible announcement in... well, I probably should have expected this.

*Seth Rogen laugh*

A Gritty PSA

Remember: You don't really own your digital media, but no corporation can take away your physical discs.

Pitch Meetings are on Wednesday

I didn't hate Wednesday, but this actually does touch on a lot of the problems I had with it.

Nothing but the Hotfix

After a successful Awesome Games Done Quick, the Hotfix is back!

We return to Hotfix with a fresh randomizer session. There's a lot of randomization to be had in the collect-a-thon that is Donkey Kong 64. Check this one out!

GDQ's Hotfix shows air every week and you can catch them all at the Games Done Quick Twitch account.

Under the learning tree with Masahiro Sakurai

Masahiro Sakurai started a YouTube channel! Let's learn from his decades of experience together by looking at one of his latest videos. This week, Sakurai talks about side quest design and what constitutes a good and bad side activity.

This week in Shaqnews

The World Cup may be over, but that's not going to stop the Inside the NBA crew from trying out their best penalty kicks.


It's been three days since the shocking passing of Jamin Pugh, better known as Jay Briscoe, and the tributes are still pouring in from across the wrestling world.

Tonight in video game music

We're going hard with Lame Genie's cover of the Legendary Quartet battle theme from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

That's it for the third Friday Evening Reading of 2023! Be sure to keep the spirit of the classic Evening Reading alive by jumping into the comments about whatever you see here or whatever randomness you'd like to discuss. Join the conversation and dive into the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below. I'll see you all next week!